Aviva MyWealthPlan Review

The complete Pros and Cons on Aviva MyWealthPlan

NOTE: Aviva MyWealthPlan has been phased out and is no longer available. The latest updated and upgraded version is Singlife Choice Saver. For further information and details about this plan, fill up the form below and let us advise you accordingly.

You’ve worked hard to make money. Now it’s time for the money you’ve made to work hard for you.

Aviva MyWealthPlan is an endowment savings plan giving you the highest guaranteed returns of up to 2.35% per annum. Allowing you peace of mind knowing that your money is hard as work in realizing the financial goal you have set.

With a flexible choice of the policy term, save 5 or 10 years to meet your goals 10 to 25 years from now. This way, you have a savings plan that fits your needs rather than the other way round.

Aviva MyWealthPlan product details

Aviva MyWealthPlan is featured in our 7 Best Regular Insurance Savings Plans in Singapore (2023 Edition) for the highest guaranteed returns

  • Life policy – Endowment and Saving policy
  • High Guaranteed Returns
    • Enjoy high guaranteed returns of up to 2.35% per annum, get your savings working as hard as you
  • Capital Guarantee
    • Get back at least 100% of all funds paid when your policy matures
  • Maturity Lump Sum Payout
    • Receive your Maturity Benefit in one lump sum, consisting of the guaranteed returns and projected non-guaranteed bonuses
  • Flexible Premium Term; you can choose to
    • Pay premiums for only 5 years and choose a policy term between 10 to 25 years.
    • Pay premiums for only 10 years and choose a policy term between 13 to 25 years
  • Insurance Coverage
    • Be covered against Death and Terminal Illness with 105% of all base premiums paid or 105% of the policy value, whichever is higher
  • Guaranteed Issuance Riders
    • Cancer Premium Waiver
      • All future premiums are waived in the event you are diagnosed with Major Cancer
    • EasyTerm
      • Lump-sum payout up to 5X the basic annual premiums in the event of Death, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), or Terminal Illness (TI) fall upon you
    • EasyPayer Premium Waiver
      • All future premiums are waived in the event of Death, TPD, and TI of you so that your family’s savings fund will continue to grow

Aviva My Wealth Plan is a common search alternative for Aviva MyWealthPlan.

Read AboutEndowment and Saving policy: How does it work?

Read AboutEndowment and Saving policy: Is it the best option?

Features of Aviva MyWealthPlan at a glance

Aviva MyWealthPlan Benefit Table

Cash and Cash Withdrawal Benefits

Cash value: Yes
Cash withdrawal benefits: No

Health and Insurance Coverage

Death: Yes
Total Permanent Disability: No
Terminal Illness: Yes
Critical Illness: No
Early Critical Illness: No

Health and Insurance Coverage Multiplier

Death: No
Total Permanent Disability: No
Terminal Illness: No
Critical Illness: No
Early Critical Illness: No

Optional Add-on Riders

Cancer Premium Waiver
EasyPayer Premium Waiver

Additional Features and Benefits


Read AboutEffects of compounding returns on your savings

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Product Illustration for Aviva MyWealthPlan, Genie

Product Illustration for Aviva MyWealthPlan, Genie

Genie, 26 years old, plans to save S$8,480 yearly over the next 10 years for her newborn daughter Gina’s future university education. She chooses to take up Aviva MyWealthPlan with a policy maturing on the 18th year.

With a total premium of S$84,800 paid for her Aviva MyWealthPlan, Genie can expect to receive a lump sum of up to S$137,429. This includes a guaranteed amount of S$100,000 and S$37,429 as non-guaranteed bonuses.

Product Illustration for Aviva MyWealthPlan, Jean

Product Illustration for Aviva MyWealthPlan, Jean

As for Jean, she chooses to pay a higher annual premium over a shorter period of 5 years. In so doing, she pays a total of S$84,659 with the same policy maturity term of 18 years.

In 18 years time, Jean is projected to receive S$161,479 in a lump sum payment. S$117,500 of which is guaranteed and S$43,979 being the projected non-guaranteed bonus.

Significant Differences in Genie’s vs Jean’s Aviva MyWealthPlan Journey

Aviva MyWealthPlan Comparison

For the same 18 years policy term, Jean receives S$24,051 more than Genie in projected maturity payout even when she paid S$181 lesser in total premiums.

This is because Jean’s initial high premium and shorter premium payment term allow for her savings to compound over a longer period at a higher rate.

Aviva MyWealthPlan may be suitable if you are looking for

Aviva MyWealthPlan may potentially be a good fit if the following matters to you:

  • High guaranteed returns of up to 2.35% per annum
  • Flexible policy terms so you can save according to your financial goals
  • To saving regularly over a period of time for a set goal
  • To potentially generate higher financial returns compared to bank accounts

Aviva MyWealthPlan may not be suitable if you are looking for

Aviva MyWealthPlan may potentially be a bad fit if the following matters to you:

  • Liquidity or flexibility of withdrawal in your Insurance policy
  • High insurance coverage for Death or Terminal Illness
  • Insurance coverage for Early Critical Illness, Critical Illness, and Total and Permanent Disability
  • Insurance policy with a high surrender value in the early years of the policy

Read about: How much life insurance coverage do you need in Singapore? *NEW*

Further considerations on Aviva MyWealthPlan

  • How is Aviva or Aviva MyWealthPlan investment returns based on historical performance?
  • How does Aviva MyWealthPlan compare with Endowment policy from other insurance companies?
  • Can Aviva MyWealthPlan fulfill my financial, insurance, health, and protection needs?

The above information may not fully highlight all the product details and features on Aviva MyWealthPlan. Talk to us or seek advice from a financial adviser before making any decision about Aviva MyWealthPlan.

Always ensure your long-term financial goals and objectives are aligned with the financial product you are considering to take up.

Read about: 3 Best Endowment Savings Plans for Lifetime wealth Accumulation (2023 Edition)

Read about: 5 ways to stop inflation from eroding your savings

More on Financial Planning here
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Is Aviva MyWealthPlan suitable for me?

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Before you go...
Aviva MyWealthPlan may be a good fit towards your current financial goals. However, there could be way more plans out there with features and/ or benefits that could be more relevant to you at a lower cost.
Drop us a message and find out about customised options across multiple insurance companies. You deserve to get the best out of your hard-earned savings!
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