Nikko AM – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund Review
Fund objective
Nikko Asset Management – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund aims to achieve medium to long-term capital appreciation. The Fund invests primarily in equities listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited that offer attractive and sustainable dividend payments and may also invest in equities listed outside of Singapore offering attractive and sustainable dividend payments.
Investment Strategy
Nikko Asset Management – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund aims to achieve capital appreciation by investing primarily in equities listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited that offer attractive and sustainable dividend payments. In addition, the Sub-Fund may also invest in equities listed outside of Singapore offering attractive and sustainable dividend payments. The Sub-Fund will invest more than 55% of its assets in shares of corporations (the effect of which would be that investments by the Sub-Fund in other equities such as real estate investment trusts, business trusts, exchange-traded funds and collective investment schemes which are in the nature of equities would be limited by having to meet the more than 55% requirement).
The Managers manage Nikko Asset Management – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund by selecting Singapore listed equities which offer attractive and sustainable dividend payments with the potential for long-term capital appreciation. The Managers may also invest in non-Straits Times Index (STI) component stocks as well as stocks listed outside of Singapore with these characteristics. All stocks are selected on the basis of a mixture of top-down and bottom-up analysis
Who is Nikko AM – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund suitable for?
Nikko Asset Management – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund is only suitable for investors who:
- seek medium to long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in equity securities listed in Singapore
- are willing and able to accept that their principal will be at risk and that the value of their investment and any derived income may fall as well as rise
Dividend or Income payout frequency: Monthly or Accumulating
For additional assessments on product suitability, please obtain professional advice from a qualified Financial Adviser.
What are the key risks of Nikko AM – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund?
The value of Nikko Asset Management – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund and its dividends and coupons (if any) may rise or fall. You may lose some or all of your investment depending on the performance of the underlying securities. Factors that may affect the performance of these securities include, without limitation, market risks, fluctuations in interest rates and foreign exchange rates, political instability, exchange controls, changes in taxation and foreign investment policies.
Some of the key risks associated with Nikko Asset Management – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund are described below:
Market and Credit Risks
- You are exposed to market risk
Liquidity Risks
- The Sub-Fund is not listed and you can redeem only on Dealing Days
- You are exposed to liquidity risk
Product-Specific Risks
- You are exposed to country-specific risk
- You are exposed to the risk associated with the investment strategy of the Sub-Fund
- You are exposed to income distribution risk
- You are exposed to financial derivatives risk
Investment Fees and Charges
For a limited time (Until 31 Dec 2023), speak to a MAS licensed licensed financial adviser which has committed to offering our readers a flat 1% Subscription fee (Initial Sale Charge) for all Unit Trust Funds investment.
Learn more about the limited time offer on 1% Initial Sales Charge. Terms and conditions may apply.
Where can I get more details about Nikko AM – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund
- Nikko Asset Management – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund Fact Sheet (Open in New Window)
- Nikko Asset Management – Nikko Singapore Dividend Equity Fund Product Highlight Sheet (Open in New Window)
- Speak to a licensed licensed financial adviser
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